The goal here at The Beau Monde is to educate and inform our readers on a variety of subjects including fine jewellery, history and the arts.
Below are some of my favourite resources, from websites to social media accounts.
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History of Famous Jewels and Collections
My No.1 favourite website for Royal Jewellery information. Brilliant resource for anyone interested in the history and provenance.
The Royal Watcher
Saad Salman is a royal commentator and my co-host on The Royal Watcher Podcast. His blog features many interesting articles on royalty and the Tiara section is one of my favourites.
The Court Jeweller
Fantastic website, Ella Kay has produced one of the most comprehensive sites on the web.
Tiara Mania
A really detailed and in depth blog. There is an accompanying website but this isn’t updated as regularly as the Tumblr.
Artemisia’s Royal Jewels
This website hasn’t been update since 2013, so I don’t know how much longer it will be in service. However, the information that is on there is still worth reading.
Royal Dish
More of a message board than a website but it does feature some very interesting articles.
Instagram Accounts
History of Famous Jewels
Beth Brisbane is regarded as the Doyenne of the Historical Jewellery community. Her research is both thorough and extensive, leading her to be consulted frequently by experts and enthusiasts alike.
Spanish Royal Jewels
David Rato is a leading expert on the jewels of the Spanish Royal Family. Going back centuries, David provides in depth knowledge on both well known and obscure pieces in the collection of the House of Borbón.
Monaco Royal Jewels
My subsidy account. An in depth look into the jewels of the House of Grimaldi, The Princes of Monaco 🇲🇨
Greek Royal Jewels
Pablo Milstein
Pablo is a researcher and master jeweller.
Posts regularly about fine jewellery and royal tiaras.
Russian Treasure
This account focuses primarily on the Romanov’s and there astounding collection of jewellery.
A Tiara a Day
Truly does keep the doctor away.

The Royalty Nerd
Brigit Marie
There are some very detailed and accurate articles on Wikipedia relating to Jewellery. Some of my favourites include:
Diana’s Jewels
Elizabeth II Jewels
Joyas de Paysar
The French Crown Jewels